March 15, 2021

Belmont boy recognized for composure during 911 call

 By Kendra Caruso | Mar 10, 2021

Photo by: Kendra CarusoJakob Hindman, 6, stands in front of a Belfast fire truck March 10 at the station holding the embroidered plaque honoring him for his bravery during a 911 call when his mother was having a seizure.

BELFAST — Jakob Hindman of Belmont beeped the horn of a Belfast fire truck March 10 during his recognition ceremony for dialing 911 while his mother was having a grand mal seizure two months ago, almost to the day.

The Gladys Weymouth School student was in the middle of remote learning the morning of Jan. 11 when he heard a thud, he said. His teacher encouraged him to call the paramedics. At age 6, he was already well versed in how to handle the situation when his epileptic mother had a seizure. Usually he calls a family member to come home, but this time he could not reach anyone.

Once on the phone with 911, Jakob knew to stay calm. Waldo County Regional Communication Center Dispatcher Melissa Bisson said she was impressed with his collectedness while she asked him questions. She does not get many young children on the phone in emergency situations; he was her first “young one.”

Once the paramedics arrived, he was able to take them to his mother and almost immediately after the event Bisson and Belfast paramedic Debbie Heath started brainstorming ways to recognize his bravery, the dispatcher said.

They planned a surprise ceremony at the Belfast Fire Station and presented him with a hero cape, face mask and embroidered plaque. He left with a surprise gift to open at home. Mayor Eric Sanders and City Manager Erin Herbig also attended the event, along with other city staff and family members.

Jakob said he was nervous and surprised before arriving at the ceremony. He knew there was something going on, but his mother kept a few surprises to herself. He wore his new superhero outfit and plastic fireman's hat during the event.

He had called 911 once before when there was not an emergency and learned the importance of only calling emergency services when they are truly needed. He would tell other kids in emergency situations to stay calm and only dial 911 if it is absolutely necessary.

The last thing his mother, Chan’tal Hindman, remembers from the day of her seizure is walking into her bedroom after letting their dogs out, she said. She then woke up to her son’s small hands on her face. With assistance from first responders and her husband at home, she was able to get treated without going to the hospital and spent the rest of the day in bed.

Hindman said Jakob is curious and smart. She described him as an “old soul” who understands more than most other kids his age. She said he did an amazing job.