January 4, 2021

Waldo County Technical Center: Community and beyond make ‘Tis the Season’ a roaring success

 Wed, 12/23/2020 - 3:15pm

Waldo County Technical Center’s annual, “Tis the Season,” an event that provides students of WCTC with food, clothing, and toiletries before the holidays, has been a roaring success due to the incredible generosity of donors from the local community and beyond. 

The Tech Center received almost $4,000 in gift cards and cash that will be either placed directly in the hands of students in need or used to purchase specific items for the teens. Countless bags and boxes of coats, hats, boots and other clothing were also donated and quickly sent home with students.  

The Kindness Program in Searsport donated many bags of food, including, frozen ready-made meals. From Above, a local program dedicated to helping the homeless population of Waldo County donated clothing and toiletries. Waldo County General Hospital provided a turkey to any student who wanted one.  

Letters containing money and gift cards poured into WCTC in the past few weeks, many including notes expressing how happy people were to have the opportunity to help our youth. One family in particular explained that they had received two stimulus checks during the pandemic and they wanted to use one to help others. Because of that family’s generosity, WCTC received $1,200 in gift cards that will be used to directly help students..


Waldo County Technical Center wants each and every donor, whether they gave a little or a lot, to know that their generosity has made a difference. Students are going home for the holidays with warm coats, cozy sweatshirts, sturdy boots, bags of clothes, new toothbrushes, gifts for family and most importantly, the knowledge that their school and their community cares about them.