March 9, 2020

Celebrating Learning in the Tri Town!!!

All this week, kindergarten students at the Weymouth school have been learning about community helpers! To enhance our learning, we invited some “real” helpers from our own community, who were kind enough to join our classrooms and talk about their jobs and why they are important. We welcomed a doctor, a firefighter, a farmer, a veterinarian and a police officer. During these visits, students were able to hear about each job, see/touch tools that help each person complete their job(s) and students were able to ask many questions. We practiced thinking of questions to ask rather than telling stories- we know that a question is something that we don’t know the answer to and want to find out more. We also read books about several community helpers (a builder, a teacher, a librarian, a banker and a dentist.)

At the end of the week, students were able to explain why we learned about community helpers, with explanations like; “in kindergarten, we need to know why jobs are important and how people can help us because we will have jobs when we get bigger” and “we learned about what is a community...a community is a group of people who are together. Our classroom is a community and our school is a community. We also have a BIG community around us...3 towns!”

We really appreciate the volunteers who graciously joined our classrooms and made our learning extra fun!

Mrs. Ray and Ms. Loveless