This is just a friendly reminder that we are due back at work on Monday, August 26th in the cafeteria at Belfast Area High School. Here is the schedule for that day and the next:
9:15 - 11:30 am - Welcome, Welcome Back and Team Leader Training Part I
12 noon - 1:00 pm - RSU # 71 Staff Cookout for All Staff and School Board
1:00 - 2:00 pm - Belfast Area High School Renovation and Construction: Ribbon Cutting, Ice-Cream Social and Open House Celebration πΆπ¦π’
Please feel free to be in touch with your supervisor if you are not sure where to be on these days!
I look forward to seeing you all on August 26th and to getting the exciting voyage of 2019-2020 underway!
Best Regards,
-Mary Alice
Monday, August 26th - BAHS Gym & Buildings & Grounds
8:00 am - 2:00 pm
8:00 - Association Meeting- Who: Attendance is optional
- Where: Belfast Area High School Gym
- Coffee will be available!
9:15 - 11:30 am - Welcome, Welcome Back and Team Leader Training Part I
- Who: All staff are required to be in attendance, including central office staff, administrators, administrative assistants, principals, directors, all support staff including custodians, secretaries, bus garage personnel and educational technicians, all professional staff, including teachers, specialists, counselors, nurses -- in short all staff -- are required to stay from 9:15 - 11:30, with the sole exception of the foodservice staff who will leave after the Opening Day Welcome/Welcome Back, in order to prepare our full staff cookout and ice-cream social. π π π
12 noon - 1:00 pm - RSU # 71 Staff Cookout for All Staff and School Board
- What: Hamburgers, hotdogs, watermelon, chips, pickles and drinks, music on the loudspeaker, hugs and catching up conversations -- everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend to enjoy this huge gathering and especially to warmly welcome all the new staff into the RSU # 71 family.
- Where: BAHS Canopy - Food will be under the new canopy at the entrance to the high school. Lunch may be eaten at picnic tables under trees or in the sunshine (we hope) on the football field and lawns or inside the cafeteria or gym, where there will be chairs and benches in the gym and tables and benches in the cafeteria.
1:00 - 2:00 pm - Belfast Area High School Renovation and Construction: Ribbon Cutting, Ice-Cream Social and Open House Celebration πΆπ¦π’
- Who: All community members, school board members, news media, city council, town selectpersons, staff, students, parents -- come one and all.
- Where: The ribbon-cutting will be in front of the new math wing, with a short speech followed by an Ice-Cream Social outside. Frozen treats (cones, ice-cream sandwiches, and popsicles) will be under the canopy and Open House will be in the new and renovated portions of the high school (only).
Tuesday, August 27th - BAHS Gym 8:00 - 11:00 am
8:00 - 11:00 - Team Leader Training Part II, with a Focus on Instruction and Learning: All Instructional Staff (teachers, counselors, educational technicians, specialists, nurses, library-media specialists, technology integrators and administrators (all principals and directors involved with instruction) are required to attend.- Where: Belfast Area High School Gym
- Please bring your own coffee, water, and snacks on Tuesday -- teams may wish to plan who will bring what -- many thanks!
Please feel free to be in touch with your supervisor if you are not sure where to be on these days!
I look forward to seeing you all on August 26th and to getting the exciting voyage of 2019-2020 underway!
Best Regards,
-Mary Alice